Our library contains a wide range of historical primary sources from Meriden as well as secondary sources about the city.
We have a large collection of the International Silver Company’s catalogues and their collection of design books. A spreadsheet listing these documents is below.
Watch this space for updates in the coming months.
Our holdings:
- International Silver Library of Design Books
- International Silver Company Factories and their Lines
- Articles by Paul Butkus
- Articles by Patricia Singer
- International Silver Company Shines Once More: Connecticut Explored 2/2016
- World War II Chaplains’ Kits Made By International Silver Co : Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver article #206
- A Masterpiece Gone Missing: The Silver Replica of the Sloop Defender: Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver article #221
- Alfred G. Kintz, a Prolific US Designer: Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver March 2017