- Alphabets, Mongrams, Initials, etc. Bullinger c. 1915
- A Primer of Proportion in the Arts of Form and Music Gardner 1945
- A Record of industrial Designs Dreyfuss 1946
- American Architecture Interiors and Furniture Mackson 1900
- American Kaleidoscope Serwer 1993
- Ancient and Modern Ornament Helburn Pub. 1887
- Architectural Details and Ornaments part 1 Lessing
- Architectural Details and Ornaments part 2 Lessing
- Architectural League of New York (catalog) 1933
- Architectural League of New York (catalog) 1915
- Architectural Wrought Iron Kent 1888
- Art for All vol. 1 1888-1889
- Art Forms in Nature Blossfeldt 1929
- Art Monograms and Lettering Bergling 1908
- Artistic Wrought Iron Works for the Middle Ages and Renaissance Period Altenece Â
- Book of Monograms and Fancy Letters Campana
- Bouquet of French Design Jun-53
- Catalog of French Iron work (portfolio)
- Collections Hoentschel
- Decoration vol 10 July- Dec 1883
- Decoration vol 10 Jan – June 1881
- Decoration vol 3 1882
- Decoration vol 4 July – dec 1882
- Decoration vol 5 Jan – June 1883
- Decoration vol 6
- Decoration vol 7 1884
- Decoration vol 8 1884
- Decoration vol 9 1885
- Decorative Illustration of Books old and New Crane 1896
- Design – council of Industrial Design Jun-58
- Digby Wyatt’s Specimens of Ornamental Metal Work Wyatt 1852
- Earthenware Figures, Vases, Etc (portfolio)
- Elements of Style in Furniture and Woodwork Brook 1889
- English Furniture, Woodwork. Decoration during 18th Century Strange
- English Homes period 4 – vol 1 1920
- English Mediaeval Foliage and Colored Decoration Colling 1874
- English Decorative Art – Early 20th Century (portfolio)
- English Silver Holloware – Sterling & Sheffield Plate (portfolio)
- Floriated Ornament Pugin 1875
- Flower and Plants from Nature Favart 1880
- Flowers and Plants (portfolio)
- Flowers, Fruits, Etc. (portfolio)
- French Interiors, Furniture, Decoration during the 17 & 18 Centuries Strange
- Historic Ornament (portfolio)
- Horizons Bel Geddes 1932
- Household Furniture and Interior Decoration by Thomas Hope 1807
- Illustrated Catalog of the Universal Exhibition 1867
- Industrial Arts 19th century Great Exhibition vol 2 Wyatt
- Industrial Design & the Future Holme 1934
- International Exhibition of Metalwork and Cotton Textiles Amer. Federation of Arts 1931
- Knight’s Ornamental Design Scott
- Knights Vases and Ornaments
- Knight’s Vases and Ornaments 1833
- Lincrusta-Walton Designs 1887
- Masterpiees of Industrial Art and Sulpture at the International Exhibition Waring 1862
- Misc. Odd Sheets (portfolio)
- Models of Art Furniture in Rococo Style Habermann
- Modern Decorative Arts of Sweden Wettergren 1926
- Modern Romanesque
- Notebook of designs P McKeon
- Plant Analysis I.C.S. Reference Library 1905
- Plastic Ornaments for the Building and Art Trades
- Polychromatic Ornament Racinet 1873
- Pottery (portfolio)Â Â
- Rejeria of Spanish Renaissance Byne & Stapley 1914
- Research Design in Nature vol 2 Wilkins
- Sheraton Storey
- Sources of Memorial Ornamentation Hopkins – VT Marble Co. 1924
- Specimen Book of Monograms Dietz 1889
- Splendid George II Silver Service made by George Wickes
- Suggestions in Design (portfolio)
- Suggestions in Design Leighton 1881
- Talleres de Arte Grande 1966
- The Architecture Furniture and interiors of Maryland & Virginia Elwell 1897
- The Art Amateur Working Designs April 1898
- The Art Journal march 1876
- The Art Worker Journal of Design 1878
- The Artworker 1878
- The Cabinet-Maker & Upholsterer’s Guide Hepplewhite 1942
- The Decorator and Furnisher Jan. 1888
- The Decorator and Furnisher Sept 1884
- The Decorator and Furnisher Nov 1888
- The Decorator and Furnisher march 1887
- The Decorator and Furnisher June 1887
- The decorator and Furnisher Feb 1889
- The Decorator and Furnisher Feb 1888
- The Decorator and Furnisher July 1887
- The Decorator and Furnisher Nov 1883
- The Decorator and Furnisher Aug 1887
- The Decorator and Furnisher Feb 1887
- The Decorator and Furnisher Aug 1884
- The Decorator and Furnisher May 1887
- The Decorator and Furnisher March 1888
- The Decorator and Furnisher Feb 1887
- The Decorator and Furnisher Nov 1884
- The Decorator and Furnisher Dec 1886
- The Decorator and Furnisher vol 1 and 2 1882-1883
- The Entry of Alexander the Great into Babylon Thorvaldsen
- The Gardens of Colonial Williamsburg Brinkley & Chappell
- The Gentleman and Cabinet-maker’s Director Chippendale
- The Grammer of Ornament Jones 1910
- The Industrial Ats of the 19th Century Wyatt 1851
- The Ornament of Italian Renaissance 100 plates Nicolai
- The Universal Exhibition of Paris 1889
- The Workshop 1880 number 4
- The Workshop no. 12 1880
- The Workshop no 10x 1880
- The Workshop no 4x 1879
- The Workshop no 5x 1879
- The Workshop no 5x 1880
- The Workshop no 6x 1880
- The Workshop no 9x 1880
- The Workshop no. 3 1880
- The Workshop no. 4x 1880
- The Workshop no.1 1880
- The Workshop no.11 1880
- The Workshop no.2x 1879
- The Workshop no.3 1879
- The Workshop no.7x 1879
- The Workshop no.8x 1880
- Thworldsen & his Works Thiele 1869
- Useful Details in Several Styles Binstead 1912
- Wrought Iron Kuhn 1969
- Bijoux et Orfevrerie
- Bouquets par Fils et Tessier
- Bronzes orfevrerie et Ameublements pour Eglises
- Chefs-D’Oeuvre D’Orfevrerie L’Exposition de Budapest 3 copies
- Chefs-D’Oeuvre D’Orfevrerie L’Exposition de Budapest vol 2
- Comment Discerner les Styles du 8 au 19th Siecle Roger-Miles
- De Praxis des Decorationsmalers (portfolio) Zander
- Document D’Atelier Larroumet 1898
- Documents apratiques d’ Ameublement Bertin & Compagnon
- Encyclopedie de La Fleur Guerinet
- Encyclopedie de L’Ornement Malapeau
- Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs Leon 1925
- Ferronnerie Modernd Clouzot 2 copies
- Festons Groupes Decortifs et lettres Gerlach
- Figures Decoratives groupes d’Enfants Penet 1898
- France Silver engraved Plates Louis XIV, XV, XVI
- French Bronze Ornaments from Morgan Collection ( Met) (portfolio)
- Grammoire de Ornement   Â
- La Ferronnerie deuxieme serie Martinie
- La Ferronnerie Exposition des Arts Decoratifs Paris 1925 Martinie 2 copies
- La Joaillerie Moderne Paris 1941
- La Manufacture Nationale de Sevres 1900
- La Pendule Francaise Tardy
- La Sculpture Decorative Kowalczyk
- La Sculpture Decorative Moderne Rapin 1929
- L’Art Decoratif aux Expositions des Beaux-Arts 1902
- L’Art Decoratif aux Expostions des Beaux-Arts vol.1 1903
- L’Art Decoratif aux Expositions des Beaux Arts vol.2 1903
- L’Art Decoratif aux Expositions des Beaux Arts 1904
- L’Art Decoratif aux Expositions des Beaux-Arts (portfolio) 1900
- L’Art Decoratif aux Expositions des Beaux-Arts (portfolio) 1903 2 copies
- L’Art Decoratif aux Expositions des Beaux-Arts (portfolio) 1906
- L’Art Decoratif aux Expositions des Beaux-Arts (portfolio) 1908
- L’Art Decoratif aux Expositions des Beaux-Arts (portfolio) 1910
- L’Art Decoratif aux Salons de 1906 vol. 1 1906
- L’Art Decoratif aux Salons de 1907 1907
- L’Art Decoratif aux Salons de 1908 1908
- L’Art Decoratif aux Salons de 1910 1910
- L’Art Decoratif aux Salons de 1911 1911
- L’Art Decoratif Francais 1918-1925 2 copies
- L’Art Industriel
- L’Art Ornamental (portfolio) Dargenty
- L’Arte pour Tous 1st year 1861Â
- L’art Pour Tous 1862
- L’Art Pour Tous 1863
- L’Art Pour Tous 1862-64
- L’Art Pour Tous 1866Â Â Â
- L’Art Pour Tous 5th year 1865-66Â
- L’Art Pour Tous 8th year 1868-69
- L’Art Pour Tous 9th year 1869-70
- L’Art pour Tous Sauvageot 1873
- Le Costume Historique Racinet
- Le Costume Historique 16 & 17 th centuries Racinet
- Le Costume Historique Asia Hebrew Racinet
- Le Costume Historique Great Britain, Scandinavia America Racinet
- Le Costume Historique Italy Germany Russia Racinet 1878
- Le Costume Historique Middle Ages Racinet 1876
- Le Costume Historique Portugal Turkey etc. Racinet
- Le Fer a l’Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs Modernes Janneau 1924
- Le Fer a l’Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs Modernes Janneau 1925
- Le Fer Forge en France Blanc 1928
- Le Fer Forge en France Blanc 1930
- Le Mobilier National
- Le Salon des industries du Mobilier Exposition de 1902 1902 vol. 1 & 2
- Le Style Empire 1804-1814
- Les Arts Decoratifs Modernes France Quenioux 1923
- Les Bronzes L’Orfevrerie (portfolio) 1905 2 copies
- Les Collections du Musee de l’Union Centrale des Arts Decoratifs
- Les Industries D’Art a l”exposition universelle de 1889 1889 2 copies
- Les Industries d’Art a l”exposition universelle de 1900
- Les Medailleurs Modernes a L’Exposition Universelle de 1900 1900
- Les Nouvelles collections de l’Union Centrale des Arts Decoratifs series 1 – 4
- Les Nouvelles collections de l’Union Centrale des Arts Decoratifs series 1 – 8
- L’Hotel Beauharnain
- L’Orfevrerie Francaise aux 18 et 19th siecles Bouilhet 1910
- L’Orfevrerie Francaise aux 18 et 19th siecles Bouilhet 1912
- L’Ornement Polychrome Racinet
- L’Ornementation d’apres La Nature Christy
- Louis XIV Mobel Hessling 1909
- Louis XIV Mobel Hessling 1910Â Â Â
- Materiaux et Documents d”art Decoratif
- Michel Le Blon Van der Kellen 1900
- Miscellaneous Portfolio mostly engravings of French Decoration   Â
- Motifs de Decorations ( portfolio) Thiebault
- Motifs de Decorations ( portfolio) Thiebault
- Orfevrerie/Silversmith work 33 plates (portfolio)
- Ornaements tires ou imites des Quatre Ecoles 2nd series Clerget
- Ornaments Vases et Decoration 2nd vol Pequegnot
- Panneaux et Ornements en Bois Sculpte Frullini
- Paris Salon Chefs D”Oeuvre Receull de Charles Yriarte
- Plantes et Fleurs Decoratives de Plein Air Plauszewski
- Portefeuille des Arts Decoratifs (portfolio)
- Portefeuille des Arts Decoratifs (portfolio) Champeaux 1888-89
- Portefeuille des Arts Decoratifs (portfolio) Champeaux 1889-90
- Portefeuille des Arts Decoratifs (portfolio) Champeaux 1890-91
- Portefeuille des Arts Decoratifs (portfolio) Champeaux 1891-92
- Portefeuille des Arts Decoratifs (portfolio) Champeaux 1893-93
- Portefeuille des Arts Decoratifs (portfolio) Champeaux 1894-95
- Portefeuille des Arts Decoratifs (portfolio) Champeaux 1897-98
- Portefeuille des Arts Decoratifs (portfolio) de Champeaux 1896
- Portefeuille des Arts Decoratifs (portfolio) de Champeaux 1889-90
- Portefeuille Historique de L’Ornement de Champeaux 1892-93
- Recueil de Dessins D’Orfevrerie Louis XV et Louis XVI Metzmacher 1866
- Recueil D’Estampes 1752
- Revue Decorative Destailleur 1871
- Revue des Arts Decoratifs    Â
- Sculpture – French (portfolio) Champier 1890-1891
- Thiebault II (portfolio)
- Tomb I Raguenet
- Tomb II Raguenet Â
- Album Moderner Baudecorationen (portfolio)
- Album Moderner Baudecorationen
- Album von D. La Porte Fils Barmen
- Architectural Ornaments in Berlin Lessing
- AUF! Kunstgewerbe Entwurse von Bruno von Wahl 1902
- Aus Meiner Kunstwerkstatte Schirmer
- Ausgefuhrte Bauornamentd Cierte Serie
- Bilderschatz fur das Kunstgewerbe
- Das Barock-Rococo-Ornament Deutschlands vols. 1-4 Gurlitt
- Das Metallgerath Gerke
- Das Ornamentwerk des Daniel Marot Wasmuth 1892
- Decorative Holzarbeiten aus der Konkurrenz ausstellung
- Dekorative Vorbilder 1892-93
- Denkmaler der Kunst Lubke & von Lutzow 1884
- Der Modelleur Zeitschrift fur dekorative Bildhauerkunst
- Der Moderne Stil Hoffmann
- Der Moderne Stil vol 2 Hoffmann 1900
- Der Moderne Stil vol 3 Hoffmann 1901
- Der Moderne Stil vol 4 Hoffmann 1901
- Der Ornamentenschatz Kolb 1883
- Der Stil Louis XVI De Ricci 1913
- Details, Wanddekorationen, Mobel, Gerathe aus den koniglich Bayerischen Schlossern
- Deutische Kunstgewerbe – German Artistic Handicraft 1893
- Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration vol 7 1901
- Die Blume in Modetnen Fantasiestudien Pilters
- Die Goldschmiedekunst der Deutschen Stadte Gundel
- Die Kunstsammlungen der herrn Richard Zschille (portfolio)
- Die Silberkammer der Munchner Residenz Frankenburger 1923
- Die Wandegemaeldt in Ball & Concert (portfolio)
- Europaisches kunstgewerbe 1928
- Europaisches kunstgewerbe
- Franz anyz Prag
- Geformetes Metall Gestaltetes glas WMF 1953
- Gold und Silberarbeiten Kunst 1954
- Holzsculpturen aus dem Bayerischen national Museum (portfolio)
- Holzsculpturen und Mobel in Rococo
- Innendecoratione Moeble und Geraethe von Percier & Fontainae 1898
- Kindergruppen
- Kleinsilber (portfolio)
- Kunst & Kunsstgewerbeauf der Wiener Weltausstellung von Lutzow 1873
- Kunstgewerbe auf der pariser Weltausstellung
- Kunstverlag anton schroll & Co in Wein
- Kunstwerbliches Skizzenbuch fur metall, glass-Industrie & Keramik Seder 1899
- Moderne Ornamentik Zeyer & Drechsler
- Moderne Plastische Studien Kruse & Baum
- Motive fur Decoration (portfolio)
- Neue Ideen fur Dekorative Kunst & das Kunstgewerbe von Arnold Lyongrun
- Neue Ideen fur Modernen Schmuck Beauclair
- Neue Plastische Studien Kruse & Baum 1907
- Ornamente er Holzsculptur von 1450-1820 Hefner-Altenect 1881
- Plastische Ornamente Schirmer
- Rococo Motive von Robert Koch Kanter & Mohr
- Schriften Atlas
- Tierleben im Ornament Sturm 1895
- Volkskunst in Europa Bossert 1938
- Wasseralfingen (portfolio)
- Wiener Medailleure Loehr 1899
- Wundergarten der Natur Blossfeldt 1932
- Arte Italiana decorativa industriale Boito
- Graffiti e Chiaroscuri
- Il Bronzo e Il Rame Pettorelli 1926
- L’arredamento moderno Aloi 1939
- Le Targhe delle carte Geografiche
- Modelli D’Arte Decorativa vol 2
- Modelli D’Arte Decorativa vol 3
- Modelli D’Arte Decorativa vol 4
- Modelli D’Arte Decorativa vol 5
- Modelli D’Arte Decorativa vol 6
- Modelli D’Arte Decorativa vol 7
- Modelli D’Arte Decorativa vol 8
- Portafoglio delle Arti Decorative in Italia 1890-91