Society Timeline

History of the Meriden Historical Society, Inc.

The Meriden Historical Society, Inc., a non-profit corporation, acts as the official historian of the City of Meriden, Connecticut. The administrative body of the Society, its officers and directors, is composed entirely of unpaid volunteers. The Society maintains a close working relationship with the Meriden Public Library, the Greater Meriden Chamber of Commerce, and local church historians. The Society is a member of The Connecticut Historical Society

1892, Dec 13

The Society was organized by Levi Coe.


The Society became inactive. No building available.


The Moses Andrews homestead was acquired by the City of Meriden.


The Homestead was renovated as a WPA project and used as a kindergarten & museum.


The Moses Andrews Homestead Society was formed and the Historical Society was reactivated.


The Homestead was turned over to the city for use as a daycare center.

1952, April 3

The Meriden Historical Society became active and the Homestead was restored.

1868 Map

Meriden circa 1868

Broad Street

Broad Street looking north,
circa 1885. Central Tavern
(razed in 1890s) on right.

1953, August 2

The Society leased the Homestead from the City for $1.00 per year.


The Andrews Homestead was put on The National Register of Historic Places.


The International Silver Company collection of artifacts and publications was deeded to the Society.


The application to the City of Meriden to add an addition at the Society expense was denied.


A branch office building at 540 West Main Street was purchased from the Connecticut National Bank to house the records and publications used for historical research.


The West Main building was sold and a larger one at 1090 Hanover St. was purchased.


The barn at the Morehouse Research Center renovated for archival storage.


The Society purchased 39-41 West Main, now 41 West Main Street, downtown Meriden.


Meriden Historical society hired Michael J. Zaffino as their first paid administrator.

41 West Main Street is named Meriden Historical Society Museum & History Center and opened to the public with an April Grand Opening Event.

To make a donation or for more information, click on the link at right or contact the Society at 203-639-1913.