Show and Tell – Thursday, March 30th, 2023 6:30 pm, 41 W. Main St. downtown Meriden

Meriden Show and Tell: What is it? Where is it? Who is it? – Thursday, 3/30/2023 6:30 PM
Join us at the Society’s Museum and History Center to share your stories, discoveries and queries relating to Meriden and its history. A panel of members of the Society will be on hand to answer questions and present unusual items from the Society’s collection.
Seating is limited. Admission is free. Reservations are recommended, by calling the office (203-639-1913) or emailing us:
OCTAGONAL HOUSES – Thursday, February 23rd, 2023 6:30 pm, 41 W. Main St. downtown Meriden

Sherwin Borsuk, past president of the Meriden Historical Society, will present a PowerPoint illustrated program on the mid-19th century craze for octagonal houses.
Admission is free. Seating is limited.Please send us an email ( or call the office (203-639-1913) to reserve your seat.

THE HISTORY OF MARKHAM AIRPORT – Thursday, 1/26/2023, 6:30 pm 41 W. Main St. downtown Meriden
The Meriden Historical Society will be hosting a lecture on Meriden Markham Airport presented by Constance Castillo, Markham Airport Manager. Ms. Castillo is a certified flight instructor and has been an active member of the local Ninety-Nines, an international organization for women pilots. The lecture is free and open to the public. For more information or to reserve a seat at our lecture room, please contact Michael J. Zaffino, Administrator at 203.639.1913.
The Meriden Historical Society’s Annual Membership Meeting will take place on Thursday, September 8, 2022
6:00 pm
at our downtown Museum & History Center 41 W. Main Street, Meriden.
Agenda: Committee reports; President’s report; Meet Michael J. Zaffino – our administrator; Eat and schmooze on the patio
JULY PROGRAM: An Aerial View – Meriden Present and Past
Thursday, July 28, 2022 6:30 pm at our Museum and History Center 41 W. Main St. Meriden, and streaming on Zoom.
Free admission. Donations gratefully accepted and help keep our doors open.

Sam Carr – Will present photographs of Meriden from the view of drones providing mostly current images of both iconic and typical views of the City from unique perspectives. There will also be some older views of Meriden, taken from an airplane from the 1930’s thru 1980’s, that will be compared to recent images to show how the city has changed over the years. A short discussion of drone rules and regulations will be included. Sam holds a private pilot license from the FAA as well as a commercial UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle – drone) license.
JULY PROGRAM Co-sponsored with the Meriden Public Library:
Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 6:30 pm at the Meriden Mall, 470 Lewis Ave, Meriden – next to Champs. Presented by Christina Rewinski

Which side are you on? That’s the question that every single person in Connecticut had to answer in 1775, as the thirteen colonies began a rebellion against British rule. Loyalty was not only a matter of words or opinion, For soldiers and civilians alike, loyalty could mean loss of fortune, of friends, and even of life. This presentation reveals stories – some well known, some obscure – of Nutmeggers who risked and sacrificed to support their chosen side during this “tumultuous jarring time of civil war”
Link to register:
Facebook Event:

SYLVESTER POLI – THEATER MAGNATE, his life and involvement in Meriden.
Presented by Michael J. Zaffino.
Thursday, June 30th at 6:30 pm at the Meriden Historical Society’s Museum and History Center, 41 W. Main St. Meriden CT
41 w. Main St., downtown Meriden
