Upcoming Program:
ARCHITECTURE OF MERIDEN: – Lorenzo Hamilton: – Architect of Meriden’s Notable Early 20th Century Homes.

Marcus Hamilton, a life-long Meriden resident, will present a program on the life and works of his grandfather, Lorenzo Hamilton, a grandson of H. Wales Lines. The program will include a bit of history about this storied Meriden family and examples of the homes Lorenzo Hamilton designed throughout Meriden.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 –
6:30 p.m.
At the Meriden Public Library
105 Miller St. Meriden CT
The lecture programs are co-sponsored by the Meriden Public Library. Free admission. Refreshments will be served.
Platt And Maloney High School Students Research Meriden Personalities for Meriden Hall Of Fame Nominations

The Research Center was host to Platt and Maloney High School students in conjunction with their research for candidates for the 2019 Meriden Hall of Fame. About 15 students from Platt High School rotated through our Bernice Morehouse Research Center in December, and, in January about 20 students from Maloney High School were hosted. The students came to do their research and were showed how to access our inventory of information on Meriden’s people from the past. They were asked to give us copies of their research to be added to our files. Our members, Ruth Borsuk, Sharon Deming, Dan Metz, Jane Mulligan, Deborah Patterson, Chris Ruel and Allen Weathers volunteered their efforts to make it a success.
Items wanted for a Dedicated Napier Co. of Meriden Display Case.

We are planning to setup a permanent display case at the Andrews Homestead featuring The Napier Company. For that reason, we are reaching out to our membership asking for permanent donations of Napier cocktail items, barware, cigarette related items, banks or jewelry. We look forward to being able to give the proper attention to one of the most well-known manufacturers in Meriden’s history. Please contact us by phone at 203-639-1913 or email us. If possible, please attach a photo or give a description of the item. Thank you.
WANTED: Product Catalogs and information related to Meriden Glass Companies
As part of an ongoing research project and possible future exhibit, the MHS is asking its supporters if they have any early original catalogs from the various glass companies that operated in Meriden around the turn of the 20thcentury up until WWII. Specifically, we are interested in companies such as the Rockwell Silver Company, Silver City Cut Glass Company and the Silver City Glass company during their early period (well before the introduction of the ‘Anniversary’ themed silver overlay pieces). We are also interested in the companies that produced cut glass during the American Brilliant Period 1876-1918 such as J.D. Bergen Company, J.J. Niland Company, C.F. Monroe Company, Meriden Cut Glass Company and the Meriden Flint Glass Company. Any other glass companies that operated in Meriden that you have documentation on would also be greatly appreciated.
We have several reprinted catalogs at the MHS for some of the cut glass companies but we are hoping that some original materials may still be around in people’s attics and basements. If you know that family members worked for any of these glass companies and could take a look through your family archives to see if you have any information it would be greatly appreciated. We know that there are descendants of glass cutters and decorators who still live in the area and would love to hear stories about what their families did and see any examples of their work. Donations of materials related to Meriden companies are always welcomed by the MHS but we would be equally grateful for the opportunity to review and scan the materials to include in our archives. Please contact Paul S. Butkus at the MHS who is organizing this project.

We Note with Sorrow
The passing of our volunteer and board member, Sharon Louise Robarts Deming.
Sharon worked to organize, catalogue and conserve our image library. The Research Center won’t be the same place without her, nor will our table at the Hanover School holiday fair. We will miss her gentle presence and her expert driving skills in the Memorial Day Parade. We were fortunate to have had her with us, however briefly — and Meriden is fortunate to have her as part of its history.
For Their Generosity we thank
Michael Barker, Jacquelyn Beale, Ellen M. Carter, Ruth Ann C. Davis, William Glick, Nancy Gluck, Judith Laczek, Daniel Metz, Joan M. Munger for her donation in Memory of Leon Bartholomew, Robert and Judith Panciera, Janet Pestey, Robert R. Siegler and the Mahon, Quinn & Mahon Professional Corporation for their donations to the Society.
Welcome to our new members
David Grodzicki – winner of Christmas in the Village raffle.
Carol Hilton of Parkton, MD
Sara Hilton of Baltimore, MD
The Mahon, Quinn & Mahon Professional Corporation of Meriden, CT
David Pare for the Record Journal
The Spoonshopppe Brooke Deli of Meriden CT
Please support our Corporate Members
Macri Roofing, Inc.
36 Duffy Ave. Meriden, CT
Mahon Quinn & Mahon, P.C.
636 Broad St. Meriden CT
Meriden Self Storage
210 Pomeroy Ave, Meriden
Nest Egg Auctions
758 Four Rod Rd. Berlin, CT
New England Capital Financial Advisors LLC
79 Main St., So. Meriden, CT
Record Journal
500 S. Broad St. Meriden
Spoonshoppe Brooke Deli
1320 E. Main St.Meriden CT
Suzio Insurance Center LLC
54 Chamberlain HWY, Meriden CT