A dogwood tree and a plaque commemorating Dorothy E. Daly, our Librarian & Archivist who passed away, was dedicated at our May Annual Membership meeting.
Dorothy’s Dogwood tree, commemorative plaque & her family at the Annual Meeting
Saturday June 18 & Saturday September 17  9:00 am – 1:00 pm
We have scheduled 2 tag sale fund raising events this year. The first will be held on Saturday, June 18 and the second on Saturday September 17, with a rain date of the Saturday following each originally scheduled date. The sales will be held at the Society’s Bernice Morehouse Research Center’s parking lot, located at 1090 Hanover in South Meriden. (click on address for map and directions)
Members and non-members are welcome to set up at the sale. The cost is a $15.00 donation to the Society per set-up ($10.00 for members).
As in last year, the Meriden Historical Society will set up its own booth in the shed. We hope to see you there.
We welcome Julie Griffin of Meriden CT and Sheila Wolf Sullivan of Hebron, CT.
Memberships in the Meriden Historical Society run January through December. If you have not yet done so, please renew your membership. You may do so on line at
Or by mailing a check to:
Meriden Historical Society – Membership
P.O.Box 3005
Meriden, CT 06450
Membership rates are:
Individual – $15.00 per person yearly
Student – $10.00 per person yearly
Senior (over 65) $10.00 per person yearly
Family – $25.00 yearly
Corporate – $50.00 yearly
Life – $250.00 per person
Senior Life – $125.00 per person
Your dues and your donations help preserve Meriden’s past for future generations.
We thank: Anonymous, Sherwin and Ruth Borsuk, Brian Cofrancesco, Robert LaRiviere, Betty and Jim Masterson, Kathy McMahon, Andrew Piatek, and Lesley Solkoske.
A heartfelt thanks to all of you who have helped make the Meriden Historical Society the vibrant organization it is. Sincere thanks to those who gave us their financial support and to those who brought us physical items both related to Meriden for our collection and items of general interest to be sold as a source of revenue. Thank you to the City of Meriden for the new roof at the Andrews Home. Thank you to the Cuno Foundation. The Foundation’s grant enabled us to repair the roof at our Bernice Morehouse Research Center and to erect a new signage at the Andrews Home. Thank you to all the volunteers who donate their time and dedicated labor.
Special thanks go to Matthew Jacobs, a student at Middlesex College. Matt joined us every Wednesday this past year. He is now inventorying our collections. To Charleen Atkinson and Lesley Carabetta who are painting the rear doors of the Andrews Home and to Diantha Morse and Lesley Carabetta. The two of them weeded and cleared the grounds of the Research Center. Special thanks go to our Wednesday volunteers: Sharon Deming our image librarian, researcher and genealogist, to Richard Bartholomew and Bob Smith for helping Allen Weathers with his genealogy project. Thank you to Andy Piatek who will be our representative on a project to remove Carpenter’s dam in Meriden. This project is run by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in partnership with the CT Fund for the Environment and the State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
Special thanks to Kathy McMahon who is stepping down as a board member but will continue helping organize the collections.
Thank you to our board members (in alphabetical order)
Sherwin Borsuk (treasurer) , Mary Ellen Brechlin (accession & de-accession advisor), Lesley Carabetta (membership co-chair and grounds beautification), Brian Cofrancesco (programs, social media and designer of our presentations), Martha Colaresi (grants & liaison to the Meriden Arts Council), Charles Kline (research), Diantha Morse (ground beautification), Bruce Rovinsky (tag sale & social media), Stacey Rovinsky (hospitality), Chris Ruel (secretary, organizer of our collections and exhibit consultant/curator), Ray Ruel (house and grounds), Peter Slavinski (past president and security) Lesley Solkoske (Vice president, membership co-chair and librarian), Ron Stempien (advisor to the board), Allen Weathers (curator and director of research) and Laura Winoski (research and genealogy project). I am looking forward to working with all of you.
Ruth Borsuk
Nest Egg Auctions
758 Four Rod Road
Berlin, CT 06037
The Record Journal
500 S. Broad St,
Meriden CT 06450
The Remodeling Company
848 N. Colony Rd
Meriden, CT 06450