OCTOBER PROGRAM: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCT 5TH –6TH CIVIL WAR CONCERT AND ENCAMPMENT – an historical event to honor the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and to recognize Meriden’s contributions during our country’s most turbulent time. The event is a collaborative effort of the 2d Connecticut Heavy Artillery, the Meriden Historical Society, the Meriden ArtsTrust, Inc. and the Quinnipiac River Watershed Association and is made possible through a generous grant from the Meriden Foundation.
This historical event honors the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War and recognizes Meriden’s contribution to the war effort
Friday, October 5 – 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. — Civil War Remembrance Concert, at the Lincoln Middle School Theater, 164 Centennial Ave., Meriden, CT — The kick-off to the next dayʼs event. ($5.00 admission. Free parking at schoolʼs parking lot.)
Saturday, October 6 – 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. — Civil War Encampment at Dossin Beach Park at Hanover Pond, Oregon Rd., Meriden CT. Located near the original site of Camp Tyler, a training camp for the First Regiment Connecticut
Volunteer Cavalry and the First Battery Connecticut Volunteer Light Artillery, the 2d Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery volunteers will act not only in the roles of militia and the ancillary but also as indispensable players associated with the camp, such as washerwomen, cooks and blacksmiths.
For more details, or to volunteer, please visit the Meriden Civil War web page at http://meridencivilwar.wordpress.com/
AT THE ANDREWS HOMESTEAD: THE CIVIL WAR OPEN HOUSE & EXHIBIT SUNDAYS  IN OCTOBER 11:00 am -3:00 pm:  Beginning with Sunday October 7th, and each Sunday in October thereafter, we will open our doors for  an exhibit highlighting the 150th anniversary of the Civil War with a focus on Meriden’s G.A.R., Merriam Post No. 8. Interesting and unusual artifacts from Civil War battlefields will be displayed along with medals, swords, an authentic uniform, Lincoln’s life mask and other memorabilia. A collection of Memorial Day, Civil War officers, and monument postcards, as well as other ephemera will be available to browse through.   The Andrews Homestead, our showcase museum, is located at 424 West Main St. (between the Ben Franklin School and McDonalds), Meriden ,  CT.   Admission is free; donations are appreciated. Come join us and share your memories of Meriden.
OUR LAST COMMUNITY WIDE TAG SALE OF THE SEASON Will be held on Saturday, October 13 (Weather permitting) 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. At The Bernice Morehouse Research Center parking lot, 1090 Hanover Street, South Meriden (across from the Four Corner Restaurant.) Come shop at the Society’s booth and the booths of our supporters. You can also set up your own booth… Contact numbers for the Tag sale are: Neda Weathers 203-237-4636 or Bill Siegel 203-235-2217. Prices per each set-up are: Members: $10.00 non-members – $15.00. Dealers are welcome.
MANY THANKS TO: Louise Lacoske, Sherwin Borsuk and Stacia Morehouse for their recent donations to the society.
A HEARTY WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS: Â David Beal, Melinda Lewis, Paul Magnotta, Janet Pestey, Maureen Purcell, Ron Salka and Susan Youngs.
BUILDING PLAQUES PROGRAM A preliminary meeting was held at the Research Center to look into the possibility of establishing a Building Plaques Program – a program that will provide plaques to note homes in town. If you are interested in getting involved with such a committee, please contact the society at meridenhistoricalsociety@gmail.com or leave a message on our answering machine at 203-639-1913.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: The Board of Directors will hold its next meetings at the Research Center  on Wednesday, October 17th 2012 at 5:00 PM.
NEXT MEMBERSHIP MEETING: LECTURE AND BOOK SIGNING - Tuesday, November 13, 6:30 pm at the Meriden Public Library. Christopher Pagliuco, a freelance writer and a high-school history teacher in Madison CT, will present his recently published book THE GREAT ESCAPE OF EDWARD WHALLEY AND WILLIAM GOFFE: SMUGGLED THROUGH CONNECTICUT. The book recounts the personal stories of Whalley and Goffe toppled King Charles I of England, in the 1640s and were in his execution. In the 1660s Whalley and Goffe became fugitives, fleeing to the then, Colony of New Haven.    The meeting is co-sponsored with the Meriden Public Library and is free to all.
Nest Egg Auctions
30 Research Parkway, Meriden CT 06450 203 – 630 – 1400 800-448-0692
The Record Journal
11 Crown St, Meriden CT 06450 230-235-1661
Sans Souci Restaurant
2003 North Broad Street Meriden, CT 06450 (203) 639-1777